Friday, October 15, 2010

Watchtower System Manager, version 0.9 prerelease.

I release a system manager I've been slowly working on the last few weeks about a week ago. It didn't kick off too quickly so I let it lie at first, but somehow it is on the Android Central Editors' app picks list and now top 10 on AppBrain! Downloads are up considerably, which is always nice to see. Being a prerelease, it has a handful of issues which I've gotten a few reports for, I'll see if I can iron those out soon.

Android Central Editor's Picks

Watchtower on AppBrain


  1. Hi Jason,

    I am looking for an app which logs the cpu speed (in mhz in stead of usage) all day. Is there a way i can modificate your app to do so? or can you help me in another way?

    I want to log the cpu speed 'cause i want to check if the down-clock of my HD2 works. (i don't think so, but i hope i can monitor it)

    Thanks in advance.

    cpheineman at gmail . com

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